Why People Are Choosing Lab Grown Diamonds

What are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are created in a lab and are often referred to as "cultured diamonds." They are not mined from the earth like natural diamonds. Instead, they're grown using high-pressure and high-temperature (HPHT) technology that mimics the conditions found deep within the earth.
Lab-grown diamonds can be produced in a variety of colors and shapes, but they have similar chemical compositions to their natural counterparts. In fact, many people prefer them because they're more eco-friendly than mined diamonds--and they cost less too!

Why People Are Choosing Lab Grown Diamonds

  • Environmental benefits. While it's true that earth-mined diamonds are a natural resource, they're also a finite one. The process of mining them can be destructive to the environment and has been linked with human rights violations in some cases. Lab grown diamonds are produced in controlled conditions under strict regulations that minimize environmental impact and ensure ethical production processes.
  • Cost savings. Because lab grown diamonds are made from carbon dioxide (CO2), which is emitted into the atmosphere during industrial processes like power generation or steel manufacturing, they have no impact on global warming compared with their mined counterparts that require fossil fuels for extraction and refinement into gemstones. In addition, lab grown diamonds cost less than mined ones because there are no transportation costs involved in getting them from mines around the world to jewelers' shelves--they're made right here!